Water Well Permit Instructions


STEP 1 File an Application for A PERMIT

An application for a permit must be filed with the Whitley County Health Department prior to the issuance of that permit, and before any drilling of wells. At this time a permit fee of $10.00 must be paid.

STEP 2 Site Review Performed

Once an application has been filed and the permit fee obtained, the Health Officer will make a site review of the property onto which the new water well is being drilled. The Health Officer will place a blue flag at the appropriate location on the property. The Health Officer will do this within two (2) working days.

STEP 3 Drilling of the Water Well

Once the site review is performed the Well Driller may now drill the well at the appropriate location, flagged by the Health Officer.

STEP 4 Inspection of the New Water Well

Within two (2) working days after notification of the well drilling, the Health Officer will make an inspection of the new water well placement.

A well permit must be issued before a building permit can be issued. (for new construction) The cost of a well permit is ten dollars ($10.00).

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