Section Corners

Whitley County contains 9 Townships which are made up of all or parts of a combination of Townships 30 North, 31 North, 32 North, and 33 North, and Ranges 8 East, 9 East, and 10 East.  Whitley County falls completely within the surveying boundary established by the Second Principal Meridian.  Each Township and Range combination is made up of 36 Sections, which measure approximately 1 square mile, or 640 acres.  Within each section, there are 9 defined corners.  The system of Sections, Townships, Ranges, and Meridians make up the Public Land Survey System as it applies to Whitley County.

The section corners were either physically surveyed, or established by Federal Law, as a part of the United States Public Land Survey System.  In Whitley County, the corners were identified by wood posts between 1828 and 1839.  Over time, the wood posts were replaced by large stones or other monumentation.  Many stones have been replaced by iron pins, Harrison Monuments and other appropriate monuments for a variety of reasons.  These monuments provide the physical evidence of the basis for the property boundaries of every parcel of land within the county.

Section corners and the tie cards can be viewed on the Whitley County Beacon site. More information regarding the location of the section corners can found in the office of the County Surveyor.  This includes Surveyor Record Books, Section Corner Tie Cards, and Legal Surveys.  Additional information, including a microfilm copy of the original survey notes can be found in the office of the Whitley County Recorder.