County Comprehensive Plan

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Form Whitley County certified version

On August 17, 2022, the Whitley County Plan Commission forwarded the revised Form Whitley County Comprehensive Plan Update to the County Commissioners for their consideration at an upcoming meeting. 

The certified version of the document (lower resolution) is available for download here:

Form Whitley County Comprehensive Plan Update - certified version

Form Whitley County Comprehensive Plan Update workshop scheduled for Wednesday, August 25

The Whitley County Plan Commission will host a workshop to discuss Form Whitley County, an update to the County's Comprehensive Plan, at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, August 25, 2021 in Meeting Room A/B (Lower Level) in the Whitley County Government Center at 220 W. Van Buren Street, Columbia City. This meeting will be broadcast electronically at the following URL:

The agenda for the August 25 workshop can be accessed at the following URL:

The June 2021 draft of Form Whitley County is available for public review here:

Form Whitley County Public Review Draft June 2021 (low res)

Form Whitley County Public Review Draft June 2021 (high res)

A hard copy of this document is available for public review in the office of the Columbia City/Whitley County Joint Planning & Building Department, 220 West Van Buren Street, Suite 204, Columbia City.

Written comments can be submitted via email to:

[email protected] 

Written comments can also be submitted in-person or by mail to:

Whitley County Planning & Building Department
220 W. Van Buren Street, Suite 204
Columbia City, IN 46725

Form Whitley County

Form Whitley County is an opportunity for everyone interested in the future of Whitley County to share their ideas and insight about the future. The community-driven comprehensive plan update will address the future character and land uses in the County and present updated recommendations for policies, programs, and projects on a range of topics.

What is a Comprehensive Plan?

A comprehensive plan establishes goals, policies, and recommendations for development. Both public and private sector decisions affecting the location, design, and quality of development are guided by this plan.

The primary intent of a comprehensive plan is to create a safe and harmonious environment for residents of the jurisdiction. The Plan is designed to:

•   Optimize the potential for future orderly growth,
•   Avoid land use conflicts,
•   Protect the environment,
•   Minimize traffic congestion,
•   Locate community facilities where people can best use them.

Community land use plans represent the preferences of the local populace and express how and where development should occur. Good planning recognizes the need to balance the demands of growth with the need to maintain existing development and at the same time protect the environment and overall quality of life. Good planning facilitates orderly development patterns that maximize opportunities for choice and at the same time reflects the wise expenditure of limited public funds and resources. Towards these ends, community plans establish general guidelines for development.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why does Whitley County need to update its comprehensive plan?

The existing comprehensive plan was adopted in 2011. Updates will reflect current trends and priorities.

2. What is the role of the Steering Committee and Task Force Groups?

A Steering Committee was appointed to help guide the process and advise on the overall substance of the plan. Steering Committee members were appointed as community representatives who have broad understanding of County conditions and trends, relevant planning issues and governance.

Task Force Groups were created in order to help guide updates to recommendations in key topical areas. Task Force Group members were selected based on volunteers from the first round of public engagement and additional members were identified as needed to fill out Task Force Groups with individuals with relevant interests and expertise.

3. What is the timeline for completing the plan?

The plan is anticipated to be completed in Spring 2021. The team is currently working on reviewing results from the second round of public engagement and preparing a Draft plan document.

4. How can I learn more?

For more information, please contact the Columbia City/Whitley County Joint Planning and Building Department at [email protected] or 260-248-3112.

How will Form Whitley County proceed?

The planning process will span approximately nine months and will integrate technical analysis with public input.

Form Whitley County Planning Process

Want to stay up to date with Form Whitley County?

2011 Whitley County Comprehensive Plan

To view the 2011 Whitley County Comprehensive Plan click here.